Why does Spock not record calls done by a method of a spied object?

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I am writing an interaction based test with the Help of the Spock Framework, where I would like to check that a method calls another method once.

The class under test looks like this:

class ClassUnderTest {
    def a() {

    def b() {}

And my test case looks like this

class ClassUnderTestTest extends Specification {
    ClassUnderTest cut
    ClassUnderTest spied

    def setup() {
        cut = new ClassUnderTest()
        spied = Spy(cut)

    def "Method a() calls method b()"() {

        1 * spied.a()
        1 * spied.b()

Running this test, Spock recognises only the call to a() but not the call to b().

What did I wrong or what did I miss?


There are 1 answers

Leonard Brünings On BEST ANSWER

Your code works, make sure you have a recent version of spock-core the current version is 2.0-groovy-3.0, you also need byte-buddy to mock classes instead of just interfaces.