Why does setting headers to 200 OK give 404 Not Found with scraping tools?

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This is on an old PHP version, 5.2.17 that one of my web hosts has. The following code is verified to be executed on page load, before headers are sent:

header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]." 200 OK");

However, using the Facebook Debugger and double-checking with this alternative gives a 404 error. Despite this, the page content is fetched and indexed OK by the scraper. Needless to say, I would like to not get a 404 reported to scrapers if the page loads correctly in all browsers, validates, and has correct headers.

One example is this link, which returns a 200, and

the same URL (without trailing /), which returns a 404.

How do I accomodate SEF URLs with or without trailing slashes to be scraped correctly? Although I doubt this is the problem, since Wikipedia links have no trailing slashes and report 200 OK.


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