Why does running winrs in the subshell change its behavior in respect to the user it uses?

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@echo off
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('winrs /r:REMOTE_MACHINE /u:DIFF_USER_ACCOUNT /p:PASS /noprofile "echo %PYTHONPATH%"') do set dest_dir=%%i
echo %dest_dir%

This script is meant to remote into the REMOTE_MACHINE and print out the contents of the PYTHONPATH env var. I intentionally pass the /noprofile switch since I do not want to access REMOTE_MACHINE with my account (which also exists on the box), which is the default behavior of winrs.

What ends up happening is that the script executes and remotes into the REMOTE_MACHINE using my user account, and not the DIFF_USER_ACCOUNT that was specified. The way I determine this is because the PYTHONPATH is different between the two accounts.

I've also created a new env variable that only exists on DIFF_USER_ACCOUNT and the batch script cannot access it.

Running the same command 'winrs /r:REMOTE_MACHINE /u:DIFF_USER_ACCOUNT /p:PASS /noprofile "echo %PYTHONPATH%"' in the shell, or just in the script without the subshell, provides the correct behavior.

Why does this happen, and how do I fix this?


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