Here's my problem. I have a bunch of figures already written in a LaTeX document, and I'd like to reuse them for a poster. The code for the figure looks like:
\subfigure[Figure A]{\label{fig:Sample-a}\includegraphics[scale=5]{Image1.png}}
\subfigure[Figure B]{\label{fig:Sampple-b}\includegraphics[scale=5]{Image2.png}}
\caption{This is my caption!}
And it works when I put at the beginning:
When I'm putting together the poster, I'm using the template I've found online at this website, with packages like:
(and I've commented out the graphics, wrapfig, and times packages from the landscape file, just in case they're interfering).
So what gives? Why do I get the following error when I try to put the same figure into the a0poster document? If I don't use subfigures, the file compiles, but then I'd have to rework all of my figures, which would be painful.
!Undefined control sequence
<argument> if\@captype
I.154 \subfigure
[Figure A]{\label{fig:Sample-a}
(I'm using mactex, if that means anything)
I solved this problem by not using subfigure, but placing the figures explicitly and exactly. Kind of a dirty hack, but the poster went off well.