Why does my Google Sheets formula not automatically recalculate?

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I have this formula in a cell in a 'Summary' sheet which is waiting for a new sheet to be created with its name being a date:

=IFERROR(VLOOKUP($A3, INDIRECT("'"&TEXT(BN$2,"m/d/yyyy")&"'!$E$6:$o$100"), 11, false), "")

However, when I add the new sheet with the name that would match, then it doesn't automatically recalculate and pull in the values from the new sheet.

The weird thing is if I add a column to the left of this column that has the formula shown above, then it recalculates ... and all is well. Another weird thing is if I add a column far enough away from the column in question then it doesn't recalculate in the same way that it does when I add a column near the column in question (hmmmm....).

What is going on here? And how can I work around it? Seems Google has some major bugs around this area or something ...


There are 5 answers

  • This is due to INDIRECT.

  • A partial workaround:

  • Use this instead of just INDIRECT in your formula. It still won't update on opening and closing. But it'll update, Whenever there's a edit anywhere in the sheet (making this a double volatile combo with RAND()).

  • Also, Try turning on recalculations every 6 hours or so in spreadsheet settings.

PS: Your Spreadsheet might burn due to the heavy volatility.

Berteh On

based on idea similar to TheMaster I defined a named range refresh and refered to it in the else portion of the IFERROR formula. Whenever I create a new sheet, rename an existing one, or feel the need to make sure all indirects are updated I simply edit the content of refresh, and put it back to blank.

Tund On

I used Berteh's idea, but found that putting the refresh range within the else portion of the iferror removed the benefit of having a way to have a blank cell if there is no value, or what ever else you'd want to use the else for.

So, to maintain that, I put this together which seems gets us the benefit of preserving the benefit of using iferror and forcing the indirect to update.


Updating the value of the refresh range will force a recalculation (I change the value of cell A1 from 1 to a 0 and then back to 1). I've implemented this on multiple rows across multiple sheets and not found this to blow up the Google Sheet.

Alexandre Massoca On

I found this post and tried to use the RAND() function to solve this issue as a trigger. I wanted the same idea: resulting BLANK when there is no match. So, my solution was replacing RAND() by IF(RAND()*0=0,"","") With that, I have the trigger and the result as BLANK. It worked!

W Arnquist On

Sorry for the late response, but I believe I have a solution that works a little better. I was experiencing the same problem with formulas involving almost exactly the same set of formulas.

Basically, just add in a check to see if now() equals an impossible time (0), and when it fails (every time), have it execute the formula that won't update on its own.

IFERROR(VLOOKUP($A3, INDIRECT("'"&TEXT(BN$2,"m/d/yyyy")&"'!$E$6:$o$100"), 11, false), "")