Why does my database load fully using expo-file-system in development with Expo Go, but it doesn't fully load using TestFlight?

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I'm creating a simple app that uses data in a preloaded database from an assets folder ("../assets/worldEnglishBible.db" (4.8 MB). I'm utilizing expo-sqlite to query the data and expo-file-system to load the database so it can be used by expo-sqlite. The database loads and is fully accessible when tested on the Expo Go app; however, when I create a production build and run it on TestFlight the database fails to load fully (only loads 243 bytes, <1%).

Below is my code to load the database. The deleteDatabaseSQL function is used to for development, to delete the database and re-download it for testing.

import * as FileSystem from "expo-file-system";
import { Asset } from "expo-asset";

const downloadWEB = async (setDatabaseSize, setConsoleText) => {
  const callback = (downloadProgress) => {
  //Download WEB database

  const downloadResumableWEB = FileSystem.createDownloadResumable(
    FileSystem.documentDirectory + "SQLite/worldEnglishBible.db",

  try {
    await FileSystem.makeDirectoryAsync(
      FileSystem.documentDirectory + "SQLite"
    const { uri } = await downloadResumableWEB.downloadAsync();
    console.log("Finished downloading to ", uri);
    setConsoleText("Finished downloading to " + uri);
  } catch (error) {

const deleteDatabaseSQL = async (setDatabaseSize, setConsoleText) => {
  try {
    await FileSystem.deleteAsync(FileSystem.documentDirectory + "SQLite");
    console.log("database deleted");
    setConsoleText("database deleted");
  } catch (error) {
  } finally {

export { downloadWEB, deleteDatabaseSQL };

Below is my metro.config.js file

const { getDefaultConfig } = require("expo/metro-config");

const config = getDefaultConfig(__dirname);

  // Adds support for `.db` files for SQLite databases

module.exports = config;

Here is a screenshot from a development screen when my app is loaded on TestFlight. The highlighted portion is an AppContext state variable consoleText, set by setConsoleText.

Screenshot from TestFlight

Thank you!


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