I mechanically copied the code from Google's official document to test integrating Google Assistant actions with an app:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- This is a sample actions.xml -->
<action intentName="actions.intent.OPEN_APP_FEATURE">
<!-- Use url from inventory match for deep link fulfillment -->
<fulfillment urlTemplate="{@url}" />
<!-- Define parameters with inventories here -->
<parameter name="feature">
<entity-set-reference entitySetId="featureParamEntitySet"/>
<entity-set entitySetId="featureParamEntitySet">
<!-- Provide a URL per entity -->
<entity url="myapp://deeplink/one" name="featureParam_one"/>
<entity url="myapp://deeplink/two" name="featureParam_two"/>
The above is the content of actions.xml. App Actions Test Tool is happy with it. When I click Run, the app is opened, but getIntent().getData() returns null.
Could anyone shed some light on this?