I want to count the number of letters inside a file. I've already tried writting the file using Windows and Linux test editors, but both give the same value(7). The file have 5 chars('P','2','\n','#','\n'), why does ftell return the value 7 and not 5?
int main(void){
unsigned char *px=NULL;
int c=0,size_px;
FILE *arq;
arq = fopen("test.txt","rb");
px = (unsigned char*) malloc(100*sizeof(unsigned char));
fseek(arq,0,SEEK_END); // go to the end of file
size_px = ftell(arq); //count the letters
fseek(arq,0,SEEK_SET); // return to the begin of file
fread(px,sizeof(unsigned char),size_px,arq);
printf("|%s| QTY:|%d|",px,size_px);
Ps: Even if a i change from 'rb' to 'r' mode it continues giving the answear 7, although in the second mode(r) it prints some garbage. The file was saved using Notepad++ as test.txt. Where there's '\n' it means i pressed the button Enter: