Why does adding a tokenbf_v2 index to my Clickhouse table not have any effect

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I have a large table in Clickhouse with one column called 'Route' which is a comma separated String of id's. It looks e.g. like this: 123421,25245,346263. There can be hundreds of id's in one string.

The table is queried to select Routes that go through certain id's where the order matters, like this:

SELECT * FROM MY_TABLE WHERE Route LIKE '%123421%346263%'

Since the queries can be quite slow, I tried to speed it up by adding a data skipping index on the Route column. The tokenbf_v2 index seemed like made for my purpose, because as I understand it, it is supposed to break up my Route column into tokens and should help speeding up LIKE queries, according to the Clickhouse documentation.

However when I add the index with:

alter table MY_TABLE add INDEX route_index (Route) TYPE tokenbf_v1(256, 5, 0) GRANULARITY 1;

, and make sure it is created by running


there is no speed up at all.

When I analyse the trace of my query in clickhouse client, it consistently shows:

Index `route_index` has dropped 0 granules.

Clearly my bloomfilter tokenbf index has no effect. Does anybody no why?

By the way, my Route column has type String and the granularity of table MY_TABLE is 128.


There are 2 answers

Denny Crane On BEST ANSWER

like actually can work


select Count(*) from MY_TABLE where Route like '%,3119550599,%'
Index `route_index` has dropped 781655 / 782032 granules.
vladimir On

To guarantee to apply the index to all data need to re-insert them all. I would recommend creating the test table with the required index and partially fill it. To use it as a playground to find more optimal indexes.

Consider to use hasToken-function or others ones allowed to tokenbf_v1-index (see Skipping index: functions support):

  WHERE hasToken(Route, '123421') AND hasToken(Route, '346263'))
WHERE Route LIKE '%123421,346263%'