Why do we need to use target "PROJECT_NAME" do from what version of cocoapods / xcode

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Recently in my new MACI've installed cocoa pods 1.2.1 i ran "pod update" in my projects Folder to update to the newest Version.

The result of the update is:

The dependencyFlurrySDKis not used in any concrete target.

I've fixed the problem by adding pod like this

target "PROJECT_NAME" do

    pod 'FlurrySDK'


But Just for curiasity...

I want to know from which version of XCode / Cocoapods we need to add this line

target "PROJECT_NAME" do

and Why

Can some one please clarify on this


There are 1 answers

Parvendra Singh On

Your pod file will be like this, it is necessary to add your project name as "target".

Consider this code:

 # Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project
   platform :ios, '8.0'
 # Uncomment this line if you're using Swift
 # use_frameworks!

 target 'PROJECT_NAME' do
 pod 'FlurrySDK'

I hope it will help you, because i always add this for adding pods. i think it is not XCode version based.