Why do I see "No Debuggable Applications" in Android Studio Logcat while my application is running?

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I wanted to filter what is shown in the Android Studio Logcat to show what is relevant to my application only. I have chosen Show only selected applications from the drop down at the top of the logcat as shown in the following screenshot:

Android Studio Logcat Screenshot

But in the drop down menu above it which is supposed to show running application(s) (and other options) from which we can choose our application to see Log messages related to it only, I see No debuggable Applications as the only option.

Android Studio Logcat Screenshot

Why? What should I do to fix this?

Note: It does not happen every time I run the project. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it automatically selects my app (when I run it) from the drop down menu shown in the second screenshot, and filters the results properly.


There are 12 answers

Deivison Sporteman On BEST ANSWER

Open Android Studio, Go to,

Tools-> Android -> Enable ADB Integration.

Open Android Monitor,

After enabling that, everything should work properly and you can see your package name of your application.

mmmartinnn On

For me it was a case of changing the build.gradle file to:

buildTypes {
    release {
        debuggable true

Project sync then the app should appear in the menu which previously only had No debuggable applications.

lingyfh On

you should make share your IDE(Intellij or AS) Build Variants settings

there is a simple

Salavert On

With v1.3.1 I disabled & enabled again "Enable ADB Integration" and it worked.

Jorge Casariego On

In my case I used to use 2 Android Studio's (stable and canary) so the reason of the problem was this.

So, if you are running another IDE such as another Android Studio or Eclipse this could be the problem.

Solution: Close one of the IDE and if "Enable ADB Integration" is already enabled disabling and re-enabling solves it

dd619 On

This helped me:

1)Disconnect device

2)Kill adb from taskmanager

3)Clean project

4)Connect device

Karan Khara On

I had the same issue. enter image description here As in this picture, instead of "app", it was class name. So click it and select "app" and the problem was solved.

miva2 On

Make sure you have your DDMS window closed. If it is open, your logs might be visible there but not in Android Studio.

runfaj On

I found that emulators worked fine with solutions listed above, but my real device never did. Eventually some log came up saying I needed to add the debug flag to my manifest. Since I am using project flavors, it was easy enough to add this to my debug build variant in my gradle file. However, you could also manually add the flag to the manifest as needed - just make sure to not have it there in a production app version.

Zakynthos On

Just click on 'debug icon'(BUG icon) next to 'run icon'(Arrow icon) then u can see app in logcat

Rahul Jain On

Please make sure to have the android property debuggable = "true" in the application tag AndroidManifest.xml

**<application  android:debuggable="true"> 

Also, if you have multiple build variants (ex. debug, alpha, release) you may need to check which build you are attempting to debug and set the debuggable true attribute accordingly in the build.gradle

buildTypes {
    debug {
        debuggable true
    alpha {
        debuggable true
    release {
        debuggable false
Red M On

Go to Android Studio, Tools, Android, Disable ADB Integration and Enable it again. Make sure you clean your project before running !