I am writing a chat communication app. If the user's unique id is given in Base 64 GUID format, it is throwing bad_username error.
In this file: https://pow.gs/mirror/ejabberd/-/blob/fd8e07af4789be362a61755ea47f216baeb64989/src/cyrsasl_scram.erl, there is a method to remove the ==
from username:
unescape_username(<<"">>) -> <<"">>;
unescape_username(EscapedUsername) ->
Pos = str:str(EscapedUsername, <<"=">>),
if Pos == 0 -> EscapedUsername;
true ->
Start = str:substr(EscapedUsername, 1, Pos - 1),
End = str:substr(EscapedUsername, Pos),
EndLen = byte_size(End),
if EndLen < 3 -> error;
true ->
case str:substr(End, 1, 3) of
<<"=2C">> ->
<<Start/binary, ",",
(unescape_username(str:substr(End, 4)))/binary>>;
<<"=3D">> ->
<<Start/binary, "=",
(unescape_username(str:substr(End, 4)))/binary>>;
_Else -> error
I don't know why this has been written. If I remove this particular code, the connection is working fine. Please let me know why it is restricted.
I don't know, either. But that code exists since nine years ago: https://github.com/processone/ejabberd/commit/e80b92b48148505b44c6a378db36badfe60fce79#diff-5c51943c1268ffe26fe3b041b20675c6R136
Whatever reason there is for it, it's obviously a good reason.