I' created a web service isAlive to check if I can create session with the HSM soft using the Cryptoki ,I automated the execution of my web service using SoapUI so I execute my service in a loop each 40s ,it work well but after a number of call I can't connect to my HSM until I restart my App : this the part of code that I used to connect to HSM
// create session handle
// return code
CK_RV retcode;
// get session
retcode=Cryptoki.C_OpenSession(safeNetSlot, CKF.RW_SESSION, null, null, session);
checkRetCode(retcode, "Could not open session on HSM");
log.debug("Session [{}]",session.longValue());
// do login
final String recovHsmPassword = PasswordManagement.recoverPassword(hsmPassword);
retcode=Cryptoki.C_Login(session, CKU.USER, recovHsmPassword.getBytes(), recovHsmPassword.length());
checkRetCode(retcode, "Could not login as user");
During the execution of my service I watch logs I look that the session.longValue() incremented with each calls :
This's the logs :
INFO 5056 --- [nio-8191-exec-5] ccom.test.app.V1Controler : Request for isAlive API
DEBUG 5056 --- [nio-8191-exec-5] com.test.app.hsm.HsmService : Session [1]
INFO 5056 --- [nio-8191-exec-5] com.test.app.V1Controler : Request for isAlive API
DEBUG 5056 --- [nio-8191-exec-5] com.test.app.hsm.HsmService : Session [2]
INFO 5056 --- [nio-8191-exec-5] com.test.app.V1Controler : Request for isAlive API
DEBUG 5056 --- [nio-8191-exec-5] com.test.app.hsm.HsmService : Session [3]
INFO 5056 --- [nio-8191-exec-5] com.test.app.V1Controler : Request for isAlive API
INFO 5056 --- [nio-8191-exec-5] com.test.app.V1Controler : Request for isAlive API
DEBUG 5056 --- [nio-8191-exec-5] com.test.app.hsm.HsmService : Session [1176]
INFO 5056 --- [nio-8191-exec-5] com.test.app.V1Controler : Request for isAlive API
2018-08-14 10:39:06.550 ERROR 1 --- [nio-8443-exec-3] com.test.app.hsm.HsmService : HSM return error [MSG_ERROR general error]
I ask if someone have an idea how Cryptoki.C_OpenSession works and why I desconnect from my HSM
Generally HSM's have a bounded number of sessions available. Currently you are opening sessions, but you are never closing them with
. You should handle sessions as if they are resources, and resources may be sparse.Note that there is also a function called
that can be used to check the token status. Make sure you are using the right function for the job. You don't want to use a password when not required.