Why Android Studio does not show corresponding layout file in attributes panel of layout inspector?

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I am trying to inspect layout for a fragment, and I want to open correct xml file which does contain the selected view.

When I google about it, I found that Android Studio allow us to do that if we are running our application on device > 29.

While I was trying it, I found that for some projects Android Studio does show the correct xml file in which the view is written. But, for other projects it does not show that information.

To clear it more, here are 2 screenshots of the different projects.

enter image description here

Here, Android studio only shows the @id/buttonAddNew for the button. But it does not show the xml file.

enter image description here

But, here Android Studio shows the @id/imageViewNotificationBell along with the home_fragment.xml file name and line number.

So, how can I solve this issue?


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