Why after postback my summaryvalidator shows disabled requiredfield validator messages?

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I'm using javascript to make dynamic RequiredFieldValidators with some functions which work perfect disabling and enabling them with this function:

function myValidatorEnabler(validator, enable) {
                validator.enabled = enable;

I'm also using a asp:ValidationSummary which works perfect before postback, but after the button is pressed all validators which were disabled are shown in the Summary. Is there any possibility to avoid this?

I tried using ValidationSummaryOnSubmit() at the end on my javascript function but it didn't work. Just in case, I'm using UpdatePanel and ValidationGroup

This is my asp:ValidationSummary:

<asp:ValidationSummary ID="ValidationSummary1" runat="server" CssClass="Error" DisplayMode="List"  EnableClientScript="true" ValidationGroup="DatAca" />

and this is my Button

<asp:Button ID="btnEnd" runat="server"  Text="End" UseSubmitBehavior="false" ValidationGroup="DatAca" />

Thanks in advance.


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