While publishing page we are getting this error in AEM :: failed to retrieve references for the selected page in aem

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We have 3 pages checkout, review-order and order-confirmation page. When we quick publish checkout and review-order page, publishing is happening but when we are doing quick publish for order-confirmation page we are getting below error.

ERROR : failed to retrieve references for the selected page in aem


  1. Quick publish is not working for order-confirmation page.
  2. Using Manage publication we are able to publish order-confirmation page.

can some one help me to understand why this Quick publish is giving an error but Manage Publication is working fine.

  1. I have removed all the component from the page and try to publish.
  2. I have added jcr:lastModified and jcr:lasModifiedBy under jcr:content of order-confirmation page

There are 1 answers

Raju On

One More underline point is thatĀ If cq:lastReplicationAction is present, then cq:lastReplicated (date value) is must in 6.5 of any JCR node property of that page while publishing from author to liveĀ