Which yum repositories for Oracle Linux 7 can I use to install Kubernetes?

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I've been able to successfully install Kubernetes in a CentOS 7 testing environment using the "virt7-testing" repo as described in the CentOS "Getting Started Guide" in the Kubernetes github repo. My production environment will be running on Oracle Linux 7, and so far enabling "virt7-testing" on OL7 hasn't been working.

Are there any other yum repositories out there that are compatible with OL7 and include Kubernetes?


There are 2 answers

jayunit100 On

A good start would be the rapidly updated fedora / epel kubernetes repositories.

Something like (untested)

yum --enablerepo=updates-testing install kubernetes kubernetes-devel flanneld docker

Should do it for you.

georgthebub On

It's not the best solution to pull outside of OEL, but I couldn't find an OEL repository with these packages, so I used this:

[]# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/virt7-common.repo
name=Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 7 - $basearch