Which TLS/SSL version does Amazon MQ client uses to connect to brokers?

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In Amazon MQ, when we connect from Active MQ client to Amazon MQ broker, we just use connection URL as ssl://<broker>:61617 but nowhere in whole AWS documentation it mentioned if this client-broker communication is secure or not and which version of TLS does client-broker connection use. Below is sample snippet of code to connect Amazon MQ as provide by AWS here.

// Create a connection factory.
final ActiveMQConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(wireLevelEndpoint);

// Pass the username and password.

// Create a pooled connection factory.
final PooledConnectionFactory pooledConnectionFactory = new PooledConnectionFactory();

// Establish a connection for the producer.
final Connection producerConnection = pooledConnectionFactory.createConnection();

This article says it uses SSL but no mention, which version of TLS/SSL it uses as old SSL is no more secure.

Which TLS/SSL version does Amazon MQ broker - client connection use? Do we have any othe way to use latest version of TLS with Amazon MQ broker - client?


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