I am trying to make a SWD-debug-session for the microprocessor Rockchip RV1107. This is a ARM Cortex A7. Unfortunately I don't know which programmer/debugger is able to connect to this microcontroller. Is it enough that the programmer/debugger support ARM Cortex A7 or should I look more specific for the RV1107 mC? Could everybody give me some suggestions for a good programmer/debugger?
Some programmer/debugger which are maybe useful:
- http://www.embedded-projects.net/usbprog5/
- https://de.farnell.com/segger/8-08-93-j-link-edu-mini-classroom-pack/j-link-edu-mini-classroom-pack/dp/3106579
- very expensive!
Here is the Datasheet i found for the Rockchip RV1107 http://rockchip.fr/RV1107%20datasheet%20V1.1.pdf On page 35 are the pins for SWD documented.