Where is git-blame in SourceTree

32.9k views Asked by At

I'd like to see who contributed which line/change to a file. git-blame does exactly that. So does SourceTree have a git-blame view?


There are 5 answers


Starting sourcetree 3.0

Right click file > Annotate Selected

enter image description here

Rohan Singh On
  1. Switch to the history view and select a commit that has the file you would like to blame.
  2. Right-click the file name and select Blame Selected.

Alternatively, you can right-click a file in the working tree or that has been staged and do the same thing.

GoZoner On

Select a file, whether in the 'working copy' display or in the 'commit' display, and do one of three things:

  1. option-command-B
  2. menu bar :: Actions :: Blame Selected...
  3. contextual menu :: Blame Selected...

If the file you want to blame is not in the modified files list, you need to change the view to File Status View (View --> File Status View), then set the Sub menu to "Show All"

Show All on OSX

Amita On

Right click the file-> Blame selected. You can find writer of Each line . Trick: Make a minor change like adding a space in the file you want to find the file easily(File Status) in Source tree.

Black On

In german version:

  1. Modify the file so that it appears in the staging area.
  2. Right click
  3. Click on "Log für Auswahl..." (Log for selection...)