I'm implementing an instance of Parse Server, I want know where the Parse Server Allocated the files ?
Where files are allocated in Parse Server?
1.1k views Asked by Mateus Carvalho At
I'm implementing an instance of Parse Server, I want know where the Parse Server Allocated the files ?
Depends on the operating system and type of installation you used.
If installed on a linux/unix using the global install
npm install -g parse-server mongodb-runner
then your parse-server files will normally be underusr/lib/node_modules/parse-server
. ( may differ from linux versions )be careful when editing these files for hot hacks or modifications. If you later choose to upgrade parse-server they will be overwritten.
Your cloud file directly is normally created by you. So this could be
. This can be in any location of your choice. To set a new location you will set that in the index file or json (depending on your startup process ).cloud: '/home/myApp/cloud/main.js', // Absolute path to your Cloud Code
If you installed not using the global install, then obviously you would need to cd to where you cloned the project.
Windows would be similar. Clone (or download the zip) parse-server from the repo. Open a console window and “cd” to the folder where you have cloned/extracted the example server, eq:
Here is where the files will sit on the parse-server. Hopes this helps!