Where do i have to put the JOSE header when creating JWS signature?

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I have to create a JWS signature and the JOSE header has to look like this :

  "alg": "HS256",
  "kid": "V3vEe66RJm85eD72",
  "b64": false,
  "http://openbanking.org.uk/iat": 1501497671,
  "http://openbanking.org.uk/iss": "C=UK, ST=England, L=London, O=Acme Ltd.",
  "crit": ["b64","http://openbanking.org.uk/iat","http://openbanking.org.uk/iss"]

Where do I have to put this header in jwt.io website or does someone know other good sites for creating jws signature? The problem is, that when I change the header which is by default there in jwt.io with the header type provided by the documentation it says in jwt.io at the bottom "Invalid Signature" , why ?


There are 1 answers


You can add the header into the "HEADER" section in the right column of the jwt.io debugger.

Then you add a secret in the field under "VERIFY SIGNATURE" and get a token. Your JOSE Header contains a crit claim, which leads to a "Invalid Signature":

The "crit" (critical) Header Parameter indicates that extensions to this specification and/or [JWA] are being used that MUST be understood and processed. Its value is an array listing the Header Parameter names present in the JOSE Header that use those extensions. If any of the listed extension Header Parameters are not understood and supported by the recipient, then the JWS is invalid.

The signature itself is fine, it's just the critclaim, that causes an invalid signature error. As soon as you have a crit claim with a non empty list, the verification fails on jwt.io.

You can verify the resulting token


(created with the secret "secret") on https://www.jsonwebtoken.io/ and see that it can be verified. This website seems not to care about the crit header and checks only based on the hashing. (note: this website doesn't show the correct header and payload of your token after decoding)

Generally you should not take these online tools too serious. They're meant for testing and educational purposes, but not as a production tool.