When would GKMatchRequest be 'invalid'?

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Occasionally, but not rarely, the findMatchForRequest:withCompletionHandler: returns with error 13 or GKErrorMatchRequestInvalid: "The requested operation could not be completed because the match request is invalid."

The documentation only says:


The match request’s properties are impossible to fulfill. For example, the minimum number of players cannot be larger than the maximum number of players. Available in iOS 4.0 and later.

I think that GKErrorMatchRequestInvalid never occurs on 1st try, that is, when directly after launching from Xcode, but only on 2nd/3rd/... tries. Happens on either the device or the simulator. So I assume that I am doing something wrong, but what? Is there an exhaustive list of conditions under which GKMatchRequest is invalid?

Tried to recover from GKErrorMatchRequestInvalid by recalling findMatchForRequest:, but never succeed: once I get an 'invalid' match, then all further findMatchForRequest: calls also return with an 'invalid' match. Trying to remedy this by using both [[GKMatchmaker sharedMatchmaker] cancel] and [[GKMatchmaker sharedMatchmaker] finishMatchmakingForMatch: ... obviously, I don't even have a valid match to finishMatchmakingFor:.

The matchmaking happens in a singleton (if that matters). Here's the relevant code:

GKMatchRequest *request = [GKMatchRequest new];
request.minPlayers = 3;
request.maxPlayers = 4;

[[GKMatchmaker sharedMatchmaker] findMatchForRequest:request withCompletionHandler:^(GKMatch *match, NSError *error)
     if (error)
         if (error.code == 503                          ||
             error.code == GKErrorMatchRequestInvalid   ||
             error.code == GKErrorNotAuthenticated      ||
             error.code == GKErrorCommunicationsFailure ||
             error.code == GKErrorUnknown               ||
             error.code == GKErrorInvalidPlayer         ||
             error.code == GKErrorInvalidParameter      ||
             error.code == GKErrorAuthenticationInProgress)
             [self.delegate restartMatchmaking];
     else if (match)
        // happy-path

There are 3 answers

Kirk Topits On

I get the same exact thing. And ran the same tests. This seems to be really, "Request can not be submitted" and Not related to REQUEST contents are invalid/incorrect.

Suspected reasons:

  • An authentication issue (maybe did not re-authenticate)

  • Maybe MatchMaker thinks a request (last request) is still active. (was GameCenter restarted while waiting for a match?) I could not find a way to query matchmaker to see if a request is active.

  • MayBe MatchMaker CANCEL is hitting some timing hole and not being accepted/Completed.

  • Maybe a hosed up state, where the request can not be submitted to (or accepted by) MatchMaker (most likely)

Alcides Eduardo Zelaya On

I had the same problem and solved it by calling [[GKMatchmaker sharedMatchmaker] cancel];.

This triggers an error in the - (void)findMatchForRequest:(GKMatchRequest *)request withCompletionHandler:(void(^__nullable)(GKMatch * __nullable match, NSError * __nullable error))completionHandler; completions handler.

NSLocalizedDescription = "The requested operation has been canceled or disabled by the user.";

Hope this helps.

noAngst On

Had the same problem, and realized that I had minPlayers=1.

After setting minPlayers=2 everything worked fine. Hope this helps.