In spring boot application we are dependent on Sax XML parsers and dozer mappers. So we have used xercesImpl.jar which internally has xml-apis as dependency.
When we install and run application in WAS, giving exception as below,

java.lang.RuntimeException: XPathFactory#newInstance() failed to create an XPathFactory for the default object model: with the XPathFactoryConfigurationException: javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactoryConfigurationException: No XPathFctory implementation found for the object model: at javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory.newInstance(Unknown Source)

When I excluded xml-apis dependency then app is coming up but it's failing to load dozer xmls, with below exception

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/w3c/dom/ElementTraversal

We have set application class loader config to parent last as spring boot 2.3.12 is conflicting with parent first class loder config.

Versions Spring boot - 2.3.12, xercesImpl.jar - 2.12.2, xml-apis - 1.4, Websphere - 8.5, Class Loader : PARENT_LAST

Summarising - with xml-apis, app is not coming up. If we exclude xml-apis app is coming up but nothing working.

Looking for suggestions.



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