When to use array and priority queue respectively for Prim's algorithm?

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This is an old exam question.

Under what condition on (V, E) should we implement the min-priority queue of Prim's algorithm using an array (indexed by the vertices) rather than a heap (with logarithmic-time implementations of both the Extract-Min and Decrease-Key operations)?

Under what condition on (V, E) should we implement the min-priority queue of Prim's algorithm using an ordered array?


There are 2 answers


When E is large, it's better to use a heap for the priority queue as we will have many nodes in the queue. It will take time to find min/remove min from an array O(n)/O(n), while a heap only takes O(1)/log(n).

If E is small, we will have few nodes in the queue and thus, to find min and remove it from the array will not need a lot of operations in this case. In this using a heap will not be necessary and it might even be slower than an array due to operations needed to build the heap.

Charles On

Prim's runs in O(mlog(n)) time with the binary heap implementation and m being the # of edges and n being the # of vertices. However, when a graph is very dense, m is very large, then Prim's runs in O(n^2log(n)) . You can create a graph with a large number(n) of vertices and connect all the vertices to each other to convince yourself of this. so.... (n-1) + (n-2) + (n-3) ...... (n-n+1).

This can be re written as

n(n+1)/2 which is O(n^2) as documented on

the priority queue array implementation runs in O(n^2) time which is documented on the wikipedia page here, although I don't have a proof for it.

So it is better to use the adjacency matrix when m very large.

You asked for a condition and I would say when m is very large and the same order as n.