I have a complex tableView
, which's cell have many contents.
And when I reloadData
my tableView
, the cpu usage raise up quickly, even to 180%!
So, in real device, 5c
or 5s
, the app will crash, I think is because the cpu usage the app crash.
So, is there a method to limit the cpu usage or let app do not crash?
I don't think the tableView delegate methods
is help for the question ,but I will also put part of them:
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:exp_TableIdentifier];
if (cell == nil) {
cell = [[LMLAgricultureTechCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:exp_TableIdentifier];
((LMLAgricultureTechCell *)cell).model = self.help_dataSource[indexPath.row];
((LMLAgricultureTechCell *)cell).indexPath = indexPath;
((LMLAgricultureTechCell *)cell).delegate = self;
((LMLAgricultureTechCell *)cell).photo_view.delegate = self;
// solve SDWebImage memory increase
SDImageCache *imageCache = [SDImageCache sharedImageCache];
[imageCache clearMemory];
return cell;
In the LMLAgricultureTechCell.m
- (void)setModel:(LMLAgricultureTechModel *)model{
_model = model;
_shouldOpenContentLabel = NO;
// 1.头像
_iconView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:model.lml_iconName];
[_iconView sd_setImageWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:model.lml_iconName] placeholderImage:img_placeholder_circle_header];
[Util roundBorderView:_iconView.bounds.size.width / 2.0 border:0 color:nil view:_iconView];
// 2.名字
_nameLabel.text = model.lml_userName == nil || [model.lml_userName isEqual: @""] || [model.lml_userName isEqual:[NSNull null]] ? @"" : model.lml_userName; // 未获得用户名
// 防止单行文本Label在重新用的时候宽度计算不准的问题
[_nameLabel sizeToFit];
// 3.地址
_loacation.text = model.lml_location == nil || [model.lml_location isEqual: @""] || [model.lml_location isEqual:[NSNull null]] ? @"" : [model.lml_location componentsSeparatedByString:@"-"].lastObject; //未获得地址
// 4.时间
_time.text = model.lml_time == nil || [model.lml_time isEqual: @""] || [model.lml_time isEqual:[NSNull null]] ? @"" : model.lml_time;
// 未获取时间 [_time sizeToFit];
// 5.标题
_title.text = model.lml_title == nil || [model.lml_title isEqual: @""] || [model.lml_title isEqual:[NSNull null]] ? @"" : model.lml_title; //未获得标题
//[_title sizeToFit];
// 6.内容
_content.text = model.lml_content;
_photo_view.picPathStringsArray = model.lml_imagesArr;
// 7.如果文字高度超过60
if (model.shouldShowMoreButton) {
_allContent.hidden = NO;
// 如果需要展开
if (model.isOpening) {
[_allContent setTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"收起", nil) forState:UIControlStateNormal];
}else {
[_allContent setTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"全文", nil) forState:UIControlStateNormal];
}else {
_allContent.hidden = YES;
if (model.isMyPost) {
_delete.hidden = NO;
}else {
_delete.hidden = YES;
// 8.现在判断allOrDelete back
if (_allContent.hidden == YES && _delete.hidden == YES) {
}else {
// 9.图片数组
CGFloat picContainerTopMargin = 0;
if (model.lml_imagesArr.count) {
picContainerTopMargin = 10;
_photo_view.sd_layout.topSpaceToView(_allAndDeleteView, picContainerTopMargin);
_photo_view.picPathStringsArray = model.lml_imagesArr;
_showCountlabel.text = model.lml_scanTimes;
_goodImageView.image = model.lml_isLiked ? [UIImage imageNamed:@"pre_list_thumb_selected.png"]:[UIImage imageNamed:@"pre_list_thumb"];
_goodCountlabel.text = model.lml_likeTimes;
_speakCountlabel.text = model.lml_commentTimes;
// 底部的
_bottomView = part3;
[self setupAutoHeightWithBottomView:_bottomView bottomMargin:15];