When I transform my c program in a daemon rsh stay blocked in ubuntu system manager

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I have a c program that launched by system call rsh in this way

   system(" rsh -l $DTT $CTT './script.sh' ");

$DTT and $CTT are enviornment variable where i load in them the user and host name strings

when the c program is normal, the rsh work good, but when i trasform the c program in a daemon and next I execute it, the process rsh stay locked in the ubuntu system manager and waste a lot of CPU resources, rsh work at half, it execute the operation buty it stay blocked.

The code for transform my c program that use rsh is this below.

      pid_t process_id = 0;
   pid_t sid = 0;

   //Crea processo figlio
   process_id = fork();

   // Indica il fallimento della fork()
   if (process_id < 0)
        printf("fork failed!\n");

        // ritorna fallimento nello stato di uscita

   // PROCESSO PADRE. Occore ucciderlo.
   if (process_id > 0)
       printf("process_id of child process %d \n", process_id);

       // ritorna successo nello stato di uscita

   //unmask the file mode

   //setta nuova sessione
   sid = setsid();

   if(sid < 0)
       // Return failure

   // Chiude gli sdandard INPUT,OUTPUT e di ERRORE stdin. stdout and stderr

PROBLEM SOLVED! I redirect the standard output in a file and rsh don't give me any problems!


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