I'm using kobold2d v2.1.0 and added AdMob Mediation SDK to my project according to Google's instructions.
I created AdViewController
and added its view to rootViewController.view
[super viewDidLoad];
// Initialize the banner at the bottom of the screen.
CGPoint origin = CGPointMake(0.0,
self.view.frame.size.height -
// Use predefined GADAdSize constants to define the GADBannerView.
self.adBanner = [[GADBannerView alloc] initWithAdSize:kGADAdSizeBanner
// before compiling.
self.adBanner.adUnitID = AD_UNIT_ID;
self.adBanner.delegate = self;
[self.adBanner setRootViewController:self];
[self.view addSubview:self.adBanner];
self.adBanner.center =
CGPointMake(self.view.center.x, self.adBanner.center.y);
[self.adBanner loadRequest:[self createRequest]];
-(void) initializationComplete
adViewController = [[AdViewController alloc] init];
[self.rootViewController.view addSubview:adViewController.view];
-(id) alternateView
// we want to be a dummy view the self.view to which we add the glView plus all other UIKit views
KKAppDelegate* appDelegate = (KKAppDelegate*)[UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate;
// add a dummy UIView to the view controller, which in turn will have the glView and later other UIKit views added to it
CGRect bounds = [appDelegate.window bounds];
UIView* dummyView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:bounds];
[dummyView addSubview:[CCDirector sharedDirector].view];
return dummyView;
When I tap Ad area before Ad is displayed, remotely located CCMenuItem
is pressed as if I tap the CCMenuItem
Please look at this
I think this is related to this question, but I do not know how to resolve it.
Please let me know how to prevent CCMenuItem
to respond to the tap of the remote location.
I'm sorry I'm not good at English.
I solved the problem by changing -(CCMenuItem *) itemForTouch: (UITouch *) touch Method in CCMenu.m.
Before change [touch view] is AdView, so CCMenu got wrong coordinates.
I was referring to this question.