When execute Delegator example, I get a "ContractTrapped" error

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Build Delegator Contracts...

  1. Git clone "https://github.com/paritytech/ink.git".
  2. Move "examples/delegator".
  3. Build contracts by using "build-all.sh".

Deploy & Execute

  1. Excecute Substrate-Node-Template with Contract Pallet.
  2. Visit Polkadot/Substrate Portal(https://polkadot.js.org/apps/?rpc=ws%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A9944#/accounts)
  3. Go to Contract Page(https://polkadot.js.org/apps/?rpc=ws%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A9944#/contracts)
  4. Deploy "delegator/target/ink/accumulator/accumulator.contract".
  5. Deploy "delegator/target/ink/adder/adder.contract" by indicating "accumlator" address as a parameter.
  6. Excecute "inc" of adder contract.
  7. I get a error "system.ExtrinsicFailed contracts.ContractTrapped"

How can I solve this problem?


There are 5 answers

s.Takahashi On BEST ANSWER

I could execute delegator example at the latest commit of the github. I could not recognize this cause of the error,but now the error is solved.

Evgeny Svirsky On

I have a similar issue when trying to call Smart Contract from within offchain worker test environment.

DispatchError::Module { index: 0, error: 17, message: Some("ContractTrapped") }

Found here: primitives/sandbox/with_std.rs:275 The error in:

Trap(Trap { kind: Unreachable })

But still have no idea why it happened and how to fix it.

forgetso On

More recently, ContractTrapped can be returned if your contract constructor is not payable. You currently need to decorate with payable as follows:

impl Dapp {
    /// Creates a new payable contract
    #[ink(constructor, payable)]
    pub fn new(initial_supply: Balance) -> Self {
Coreggon On

It's probably late but I will leave this here for future strugglers. If you run into a TrapCode, take a closer look at it and what type of TrapCode it is. Here is more on TrapCodes: https://docs.wasmtime.dev/api/wasmtime/enum.TrapCode.html

I was getting a TrapCode for example. My substrate node was telling me that it was a TrapCode::UnreachableCodeReached which was because my smart contract did not implement some functions, which other contract were trying to call from the first smart contract, hence unreachable code.

forgetso On

You can run into ContractTrapped if your substrate node and polkadot-js versions are not compatible.

Try updating the following in your packages.json

"@polkadot/api": "<add latest version>",
"@polkadot/api-contract": "<add latest version>",
"@polkadot/types": "<add latest version>",
"@polkadot/util": "<add latest version>"

Latest version can be found in the tags on GitHub.