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For example, when we have three conditions in a while loop:

while (true || false || false)
  //Do something...

I am talking of conditions separated by the || operator only. I believe when we encounter this while loop, as soon as the first true statement is encountered, we skip the other conditions. I know this is true if we have two conditions in the while loop separated by the || operator. But, if we have more than two conditions, do we skip the further conditions, further down the while loop - when the first true condition is encountered? This is because, the while loop does not know, how many more conditions we have in the while loop. And would go further. For two conditions, we would skip evaluating the conditions further, when the first true condition is encountered. But, when there are multiple conditions, separated by the || operator, would we still skip evaluating the other conditions, when the first true condition is encountered? It would be helpful if you can tell me, what happens at Compile time and Run time, in this case (when we have multiple conditions in the while loop, separated by the || operator). How do we know when to skip the further conditions? Thank you for all your help!

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