From the Elmish docs:
open Elmish
open Fable.Core
let timer initial =
let sub dispatch =
(fun _ ->
dispatch (Tick DateTime.Now)
|> ignore
Cmd.ofSub sub
Program.mkSimple init update (fun model _ -> printf "%A\n" model)
|> Program.withSubscription timer
If this were part of a more complex app, it would be good for the setInterval
to be cancelled if the component is unmounted.
With React hooks, this is part of the component life-cycle.
I am wondering how this works in Elmish?
If you’re using
and implementIDisposable
on the’State
model, it will be called on unmount. See the source here: at the sources, it doesn’t appear to be implemented at the top level in elmish react. You’d have to manually implement by having a parent component call dispose on the child at the appropriate time. In your above code snippet, it wouldn’t make sense per se because it is the only part of the application.
This is also getting addressed in the next version of fable/ elmish: