I am trying to read an XML file in PHP, edit some values and save it back.
I do it by opening the XML file in php. I then convert it using SimpleXML into an array. After doing the manipulation needed, I am struggling in returning that array into the XML file in the same format due to how my XML elements are converted into attributes. Hence when I go from array to XML, my elements (which are attributes now) are saved as attributes in the updated XML file.
I would like to know if it's possible to preserve XML elements when converting back from php array to XML.
A random XML example with two elements, lets call it myFile.xml
<Project Element1 = 'some random value' Element2='Will be stored as attribute instead'>
The php code I would run to convert it into an array
$xml = simplexml_load_file("myFile.xml") or die("Error: Cannot create object");
$arrayXML = json_decode(json_encode((array)$xml), TRUE);
$arrayXML["Project"]["attributes"]["Element1"] = "updated value"
// I will then run some array to XML converter code here found online
// took it from here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1397036/how-to-convert-array-to-simplexml
function array_to_xml( $data, &$xml_data ) {
foreach( $data as $key => $value ) {
if( is_array($value) ) {
if( is_numeric($key) ){
$key = 'item'.$key; //dealing with <0/>..<n/> issues
$subnode = $xml_data->addChild($key);
array_to_xml($value, $subnode);
} else {
$xml_data = new SimpleXMLElement();
saving generated xml file;
$result = $xml_data->asXML('myFile.xml');
Something like this would then generate an XML file like this
<Element1>updated value</Element1>
<Element2><Will be stored as attribute instead</Element2>
When the result I would like to have would be
<Project Element1 = 'updated value' Element2='Will be stored as attribute instead'>
I could write my own XML converter but if there exist already methods out there, can someone show me the way?
Don't convert the XML - you will loose data if you don't use specific formats like JsonML. It is much easier to use DOM. Use Xpath expressions to fetch the nodes and modify them.
This example uses the position in the result list as a condition but if the project has an id attribute you could use this to find the element: