I'm using Plivo, a Voice/SMS API. It's currently setup properly and working on my server, but my coder can't take care of it anymore so I'm trying to cope.
I need a basic step by step of how to do the following:
1: Create 150 scripts
with the following template:
import plivo
auth_id = "Your AUTH_ID"
auth_token = "Your Auth_TOKEN"
p = plivo.RestAPI(auth_id, auth_token)
params = {
'src': '1111111111', # Sender's phone number with country code
'dst' : '2222222222<3333333333', # Receivers' phone numbers with country code. The numbers are separated by "<" delimiter.
'text' : "Hi, from Plivo" # Your SMS Text Message
response = p.send_message(params)
# Print the entire response
print str(response)
# Sample sucessful output
# (202, {
# u'message': u'message(s) queued',
# u'message_uuid': [
# u'2d55d550-8a73-11e4-9bd8-22000afa12b9',
# u'2d5617e0-8a73-11e4-89de-22000ae885b8'
# ],
# u'api_id': u'2d30af46-8a73-11e4-96e3-22000abcb9af'
# }
# )
# Print only the status code
print response[0]
# Sample successful output
# 202
# Print the message uuid
print response[1]['message_uuid']
a)src needs to be 1 per script, taken from a 150# list
b)dest needs to be 200 per script, taken from a gigantic list file
I then need to be able to run scripts 001..150 using a command.
P.S. Keep in mind I have little knowledge about coding in general. I mostly understand but I don't actively code.
Here's a quickfix in the meantime.
Manually add the numbers 001..150
Then use editor to add > at the end of everyline from your # list file. Copy-Paste 200 entries per script.