I am trying to use Wheelnav.js. as a simple menu as a link to other pages on the site.
Currently, the first menu of my wheel is selected by default. But I would like no menu to be selected by default.
example 1 https://infinistudio.ch/exemple-menu-5-desktop.m4v
I use navitemtext to put external links to titles. But the links for the external pages don't seem to work every time.
and I'm trying to put the title and description on two lines so I can put two different styles. the goal is to get the title and description from wordpress menu.
example code boucle
<div id='piemenu' data-wheelnav
<?php foreach ($menu_items as $item) : ?>
<div data-wheelnav-navitemtext='<?= $item['title'] ?>'\n<?= $item['description'] ?> >
<a href="<?= $item['url'] ?>" title="<?= $item['title'] ?>"><?= $item['title'] ?></a>
<?php endforeach; ?>
You have to use the selectedNavItemIndex property in JavaScript.
When it's null there is no selected navitem by default.
The second issue with links was a bug in the parser. I've fixed it, the latest version is available on GitHub: https://github.com/softwaretailoring/wheelnav