Wheelnav.js, not clickable NavItems

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I've started using Wheelnav.js. Currently my Wheel is toogled on/off with pressing and releasing X. I also got some hover effects, my Problem is that my NavItems are Clickable.. if i click a item it is "selected" and i cant hover over it anymore.


In this example i clicked on Item1


There are 1 answers

Gábor Berkesi On

You have to set the selected property to false and refresh the wheel.

window.onload = function () {
    wheel = new wheelnav("wheelDiv");
    wheel.animateFinishFunction = disableSelected;

var disableSelected = function () {
    for (var i = 0; i < this.navItemCount; i++) {
        if (this.navItems[i].selected) {
            this.navItems[i].selected = false;