I used to be really interested in using VSTA (Visual Studio Tools for Applications) for an application I've been working on, but stopped following it for a while. Now, no matter how hard I look, I can't seem to find anything new about it. The VSTA blog hasn't been updated since 2009, and most links through the MSDN guidance on it are broken (they redirect to generic VS pages.) I found a download for it from the MSDN article, but it sends me to this page, where the download button is disabled.
Anyone know what happened to this product? Has the project just been silently abandoned?
I'm in the same boat - I've been looking to integrate some kind of customer scripting/customisation into our .Net app, and VSTA looked like a good fit, but I've not been able to find any useful resources. I even emailed Summit Software (who took over VSTA some years ago) to find out what's been going on, but never received a reply. The documentation and samples on their site are old and not much use to a beginner.
I did find the following Microsoft announcement (can't remember where though) from March 2012. It seems to be saying that Microsoft have now taken VSTA back:
Also, Microsoft recently released "VSTA 2012 RTM - Preview", but again no documentation - just a bunch of DLLs. It's all very frustrating.