What version of Cocosbuilder and Cocos2d-iphone should I choose?

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Now it's Aug. 25th 2013. When I'm asking this question, the latest stable version of Cocos2d-iphone is 2.1, and the latest stable version of CocosBuilder is 2.1. I was using Cocos2d-2.0 with CocosBuilder 2.1, testing a tutorial project called cocosdragon code.zynga.c om/2012/10/creating-a-game-with-cocosbuilder/. However I found that the CCLayerGradient that created is not compatible with cocos2d 2.0, I googled and found others had similar issue. github.c om/cocos2d/CocosBuilder/issues/129

Then I upgrade my cocos2d-iphone to 2.1 version. But this time there're much more problems, because CocosBuilder 2.1 is not 100% compatible with cocos2d 2.1 either. https://github.com/cocos2d/CCBReader/issues/3

And I saw someone says that cocosbuilder v2.1-rc3 can work with cocos-iphone 2.1 beta2, someone recommends to use cocos2d-iphone-2.1-beta4. https://github.com/cocos2d/CocosBuilder/issues/129 I haven't tried out these two suggestions yet.

Because I'm a newbie, and not familiar with Github, nor do I have many knowledge of coding or compiling. So I would like to have suggestions from whoever have related experience. What version of cocos2d-iphone and cocosbuilder should I use?

I'm not willing to use rc(I don't even know what does rc mean) or beta version of cocos2d-ihpone, since there're stable version of cocos2d 2.0 and 2.1. I'm not willing to use cocosbuilder 3 either because it says there maybe some bugs which would beyond my ability to deal with. (I tried cocosbuilder 3 but can't even find where to get the right CCBReader files)

Thanks for reading this long story. I've taken several days to deal with this problem, but failed. I even messed up my old project in the process of updating cocos2d from 2.0 rc1 to 2.1 without keep a napshot. I just don't know where to ask, any suggestions would be much appreciated!


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