I see that for PHContentEditingInput (https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/Photos/Reference/PHContentEditingInput_Class/index.html#//apple_ref/occ/instp/PHContentEditingInput/avAsset), the Video Asset stuff has been deprecated.
If I need to process videos, what should I be using instead?
(In particular, NSURL from PHAsset, they used that deprecated function here. Is there something else I could use that's not deprecated but can attain the NSURL?)
EDIT: So... after I read up a bit on AVFoundation framework... How exactly do we convert our PHAsset into an AVURLAsset without using the deprecated method?
The documentation hasn't been updated for iOS 9 (yet, I'd assume). But if you look in the
header (or generated Swift interface) in Xcode, though, you'll see that it's just a renaming —avAsset
is deprecated in favor ofaudiovisualAsset
. It still returns anAVAsset
object, which you can then process using AVFoundation.