What should I do when latest Redactor WYSIWYG-Editor dosen't compatible with vimperator?

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I'm learning Ruby on Rails recently. And using Redactor JS as my WYSIWYG-Editor tool by installing redactor-rails (gem 'redactor-rails' in Gemfile ).

However, I found the latest Redactor.js DOSE NOT compatible with vimperator!!!

Details as below:

  • I input some text in Editor: InDiv
  • And click < /> button: inTextarea

Everyting is GONE!? I think, that might because of nothing saved in real textarea by trigging the </> button

However, I've tried Redactor.js 8.8.2, everything works!

Here my investigation:

  • 8.8.2 Can compatible, redactor works fine!
  • 9.1.4 Doesn't compatible
  • 9.1.5 Doesn't compatible
  • 9.1.8 Doesn't compatible

I want to use the latest version, beacuse of beautifully real html code.

What should I do or fix this bug? Thanks in advance!!

Version Information

  • Firefox: 25.0.1
  • Vimperator: 3.8.1
  • Redactorjs: 9.1.4/9.1.5/9.1.8 (cannot work) | 8.8.2 (works)


You can check the video at: http://content.screencast.com/users/Marslo.Jiao/folders/Media/media/55ff1193-29fe-4edf-9691-7555cc33933e/redactor_vimperator.wmv?downloadOnly=true


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