all,I'm using redhat func,I can't find the default timeout of func. in the source code like below:
self.timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
# the config file
if self.overlord_config.socket_timeout != 0.0:
self.timeout = self.overlord_config.socket_timeout
# commandline
if timeout:
self.timeout = timeout
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT is none in the source code
in the overloard_config,defalut is:
# configuration for overlord
socket_timeout = 0
and timeout is not assigned,so the default is none from the contructor:
class Overlord(object):
def __init__(self, server_spec, port=DEFAULT_PORT, interactive=False,
verbose=False, noglobs=False, nforks=1, config=None, async=False, init_ssl=True,
delegate=False, mapfile=DEFAULT_MAPLOC, timeout=None):
so my question is what's the defalut timeout of func? is it depended by http client?