what it means to host a web player unity3d file on server like dropbox loading it into facebook canvas and use backend server like GameSparks

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I'm new to backend servers and hosting files so if you could give me a starting point just to undersand how it works.

If I can log in with a facebook profile somehow this data saved in the dropbox and if I try to log in again with a different profile I face this "The current user has a Facebook profile and it’s not the profile they have just tried to log in with" this from the GameSparks documentation which turns into error <"accessToken":"ACCOUNT_ALREADY_LINKED">recieved from GameSparks


There are 1 answers

Fadi Bakoura On

Solved after 12 hours I discovered that u have to disconnect from the server and reconnect forexample when you want to link a facebook profile the server is now connected to that user so when you want to link another profile u have to disconnect from the previous profile and connect then wait till the server is available then you could link the new profile

 using GameSparks.Api.Requests;
 using GameSparks.Api.Messages;
 using GameSparks.Api.Responses;
 using GameSparks.Core;

public void Awake()
    if (!FB.IsInitialized)

public void FacebookLogin()
    if (!FB.IsLoggedIn)
        FB.Login("email", GameSparksLogin);

public void GameSparksLogin(FBResult result)
    StartCoroutine (GameSparksLoginProcess ());


IEnumerator GameSparksLoginProcess(){
    GS.Reset ();
    float i = 0;
    while (true) {
            i += 0.2f;
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.2f);
            Debug.Log("wait: "+i+" seconds");
    if (FB.IsLoggedIn)
        new FacebookConnectRequest().SetAccessToken(FB.AccessToken).SetDoNotLinkToCurrentPlayer(false)
            .Send((response) =>
                if (response.HasErrors)
                    Debug.Log("Something failed when connectiong with Facebook");
                    Debug.Log("GameSparks Facebook Login Successful");