What is wrong with the Search Form codes?

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I have a Search Form which have a sub form in it.

I keep getting Run-time error '3075': Syntax error(missing operator) in query expression '[MC_No] like '' [Customer] like '' [Date_Recorded] = #23/11/2016# AND [Product] like '*".

Can anybody identify my error? I have checked every single line. Maybe I missed out on something.

These are my codes

Private Sub Search_Click()

Dim strDatePicker As String
Dim cboMC As String
Dim strProduct As String
Dim cboCustomer As String
Dim sql As String

sql = "select * FROM 3_OEE WHERE "

If IsDate(Me.DatePicker) Then
strDatePicker = " [Date_Recorded] = #" & DateValue(Me.DatePicker) & "#"
strDatePicker = " [Date_Recorded] like '*'"
End If

If IsNull(Me.MC_No) Then
cboMC = " [MC_No] like '*'"
cboMC = " [MC_No] like '" & Me.MC_No & "'"

If IsNull(Me.Customer) Then
cboCustomer = " [Customer] like '*'"
cboCustomer = " [Customer] = '" & Me.Customer & "'"
End If

Me.subfrmOEE.Form.RecordSource = sql (*Error highlights this code*)

There are 1 answers

sbgib On

On the line with the error, your variable sql is the same as it was when you first declared it, i.e.: "select * FROM 3_OEE WHERE ".

This is not a valid query. You need to either remove WHERE from the end of that query or append to the sql variable the rest of the query statement (in other words, add the WHERE conditions to the end of the query).