What is this ```typedef``` declaration?

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I was researching about state machines using C, and I ran into this code from this site. There is some typedef declaration that I had never seen before:

    typedef eSystemState (*const afEventHandler[last_State][last_Event])(void); 

and it is used here:

    // Table to define valid states and event of finite state machine
    static afEventHandler StateMachine =
        [Idle_State] ={[Card_Insert_Event]= InsertCardHandler },
        [Card_Inserted_State] ={[Pin_Enter_Event] = EnterPinHandler },
        [Pin_Eentered_State] ={[Option_Selection_Event] = OptionSelectionHandler},
        [Option_Selected_State] ={[Amount_Enter_Event] = EnterAmountHandler},
        [Amount_Entered_State] ={[Amount_Dispatch_Event] = AmountDispatchHandler},

Can somebody please explain what this is? Here is the full code

#include <stdio.h>

//Different state of ATM machine
typedef enum
} eSystemState;

//Different type events
typedef enum
} eSystemEvent;

//typedef of 2d array
typedef eSystemState (*const afEventHandler[last_State][last_Event])(void);

//typedef of function pointer
typedef eSystemState (*pfEventHandler)(void);

//function call to dispatch the amount and return the ideal state
eSystemState AmountDispatchHandler(void)
    return Idle_State;

//function call to Enter amount and return amount enetered state
eSystemState EnterAmountHandler(void)
    return Amount_Entered_State;

//function call to option select and return the option selected state
eSystemState OptionSelectionHandler(void)
    return Option_Selected_State;

//function call to enter the pin and return pin entered state
eSystemState EnterPinHandler(void)
    return Pin_Eentered_State;

//function call to processing track data and return card inserted state
eSystemState InsertCardHandler(void)
    return Card_Inserted_State;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    eSystemState eNextState = Idle_State;
    eSystemEvent eNewEvent;

// Table to define valid states and event of finite state machine
    static afEventHandler StateMachine =
        [Idle_State] ={[Card_Insert_Event]= InsertCardHandler },
        [Card_Inserted_State] ={[Pin_Enter_Event] = EnterPinHandler },
        [Pin_Eentered_State] ={[Option_Selection_Event] = OptionSelectionHandler},
        [Option_Selected_State] ={[Amount_Enter_Event] = EnterAmountHandler},
        [Amount_Entered_State] ={[Amount_Dispatch_Event] = AmountDispatchHandler},

        // assume api to read the next event
        eSystemEvent eNewEvent = ReadEvent();
        //Check NULL pointer and array boundary
        if( ( eNextState < last_State) && (eNewEvent < last_Event) && StateMachine[eNextState][eNewEvent]!= NULL)
            // function call as per the state and event and return the next state of the finite state machine
            eNextState = (*StateMachine[eNextState][eNewEvent])();
    return 0;

There are 2 answers

Vlad from Moscow On BEST ANSWER

Let's consider the typedef

typedef eSystemState (*const afEventHandler[last_State][last_Event])(void);

step by step.



declares a two dimensional array. Taking into account that the enumerators last_State and lastEvent are equal to 5 then the above record is equivalent to



*const afEventHandler[last_State][last_Event]

declares a two-dimensional array of constant pointers (the pointers themselves are constant).

And at last this

typedef eSystemState (*const afEventHandler[last_State][last_Event])(void);

declares a two-dimensional array of constant pointers to functions of the type eSystemState ( void ). That is the function has the return type eSystemState and the parameter list void.

Thus the name afEventHandler is a synonym for the type of a two-dimensional array of constant pointers to functions of the type eSystemState ( void )

As for this declaration

// Table to define valid states and event of finite state machine
static afEventHandler StateMachine =
    [Idle_State] ={[Card_Insert_Event]= InsertCardHandler },
    [Card_Inserted_State] ={[Pin_Enter_Event] = EnterPinHandler },
    [Pin_Eentered_State] ={[Option_Selection_Event] = OptionSelectionHandler},
    [Option_Selected_State] ={[Amount_Enter_Event] = EnterAmountHandler},
    [Amount_Entered_State] ={[Amount_Dispatch_Event] = AmountDispatchHandler},

Then an array of the type described above is declared and initialized using designated initializers.

Here is a much more simplified example of a similar typedef declaration of a one-dimensional array of function pointers using an enumeration.

#include <stdio.h>

typedef enum { Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, TotalOperations } Operation;

typedef int ( * const Action[TotalOperations] )( int, int );

int add( int x, int y )      { return x + y; }
int subtract( int x, int y ) { return x - y; }
int multiply( int x, int y ) { return x * y; }
int divide( int x, int y )   { return x / y; }

int main(void) 
    Action action =
        [Add] = add, [Subtract] = subtract, [Multiply] = multiply, [Divide] = divide
    int x = 100, y = 5;
    for ( int i = 0; i < TotalOperations; i++ )
        printf( "%d\n", action[i]( x, y ) );
    return 0;

The program output is

Jean-Baptiste Yunès On
typedef eSystemState (*const afEventHandler[last_State][last_Event])(void);

defines afEventHandler as a 2D array of function pointers that have no parameter and returns an eSystemState.

 static afEventHandler StateMachine =
        [Idle_State] ={[Card_Insert_Event]= InsertCardHandler },
        [Card_Inserted_State] ={[Pin_Enter_Event] = EnterPinHandler },
        [Pin_Eentered_State] ={[Option_Selection_Event] = OptionSelectionHandler},
        [Option_Selected_State] ={[Amount_Enter_Event] = EnterAmountHandler},
        [Amount_Entered_State] ={[Amount_Dispatch_Event] = AmountDispatchHandler},

is the initialisation of a variable StateMachine of the defined type.


is then initialised as an 1D array of pointers to function no parameter, returning eSystemState with:

{[Card_Insert_Event]= InsertCardHandler }

an 1D array whose element of index Card_Insert_Event correspond to the function InsertCardHandler.