What is the syntax for adding a locally existing VirtualBox .vdi to vagrant?
There doesn't appear to be an example of alternate URI schemes in the documentation.
Can it also use ssh and httpauth locations?
What is the syntax for adding a locally existing VirtualBox .vdi to vagrant?
There doesn't appear to be an example of alternate URI schemes in the documentation.
Can it also use ssh and httpauth locations?
You cannot directly "import" a VirtualBox VM into Vagrant.
Basically you'll have to package the existing VirtualBox VM to a
and then add it to vagrant.You would be doing
Package the existing VirtualBox VM (VDI format)
vagrant package --base mybox --output /path/to/mybox.box
See more here
http://docs.vagrantup.com/v2/cli/package.htmlAdd the box to vagrant
vagrant box add mybox /path/to/mybox.box