What is the use of python-dotenv?

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Need an example and please explain me the purpose of python-dotenv.
I am kind of confused with the documentation.


There are 6 answers


From the Github page:

Reads the key,value pair from .env and adds them to environment variable. It is great of managing app settings during development and in production using 12-factor principles.

Assuming you have created the .env file along-side your settings module.

├── .env
└── settings.py

Add the following code to your settings.py:

# settings.py
import os
from os.path import join, dirname
from dotenv import load_dotenv

dotenv_path = join(dirname(__file__), '.env')

SECRET_KEY = os.environ.get("SECRET_KEY")

.env is a simple text file with each environment variable listed one per line, in the format of KEY="Value". The lines starting with # are ignored.

# I am a comment and that is OK
Michael Ekoka On

If you're starting your app from a shell such as bash or zsh, then the point of .env management utilities like (npm) dotenv or python-dotenv becomes moot.

Here's an example of how to manage .env with bash that simply, directly, and safely addresses configuration as recommended by the 12-Factor App. It also requires no additional dependencies.

Given a project hosted under ~/projects/foobar/, create an environment file in a safe location outside your project's space (e.g. ~/.envs/foobar/dev). Its content may look something like this:

set -a


set +a

Then create a symlink to that file from your project's space:

$ ln -s ~/.envs/foobar/dev ~/projects/foobar/.env

The project now has a .env file symlinking to the actual file. When you source the symlink, all variables between set -a and set +a are exported to the environment.

$ source ~/projects/foobar/.env

And voila! If you run python from the same shell instance you sourced the environment file, you can retrieve the latter and update your config with it:

import os

The point of making .env a symlink to ~/.envs/foobar/dev is an added precaution to listing it in .gititgnore. If for whatever reasons the file were to be checked into version control, its contents would just show that it's a link to another file.

Yilmaz On

You could set the env variables like this:

 export PRIVATE_KEY=0X32323

and then read it with os module.

import os


But this way, environment variable works only for the duration that shell is live. If you close the shell and restart it, you have to set environmental variable again. python-dotenv prevents us from doing this repetitive work.For this create .env file and add variables in this format


then in the file u want to access anv variables

import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv 

#default directory for .env file is the current directory
#if you set .env in different directory, put the directory address load_dotenv("directory_of_.env)

load_dotenv() will set the environment variables from .env and we access with os module

starriet 주녕차 On

This answer is to elaborate on 1) what load_dotenv actually does under the hood, and 2) the relationship between the os.environ and the OS's environment variables.

As the accepted answer describes, we can store some keys & values in the .env file and load it using the load_dotenv; then the os.environ contains the key-value pairs in the .env file.

Does this mean invoking load_dotenv added an OS environment variable? - No.

Actually, what load_dotenv does is quite the same as os.environ['key'] = 'value'; see the source code.

But, os.environ['key'] = 'value' does not add this key&value as an OS environment variable; They are only valid while the Python script is running.

In other words, os.environ contains not only the OS environment variables but also one-time variables like these.

yasbars On

Adding to @cannin's answer, if you want to specify the which file you want to find:

from dotenv import find_dotenv
from dotenv import load_dotenv

env_file = find_dotenv(".env.dev")
cannin On

In addition to @Will's answer, the python-dotenv module comes with a find_dotenv() that will try to find the .env file.

# settings.py
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv


SECRET_KEY = os.environ.get("SECRET_KEY")