What is the top bar height of iPhone X?

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I would like to know exact height of top bar of iPhone X. Could you please mention the status bar and navigation bar height of iPhone X. Please help me.

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There are 8 answers

Anbu.Karthik On BEST ANSWER

The display on iPhone X, however, is 145pt taller than a 4.7" display, resulting in roughly 20% additional vertical space for content.

for more information you get HIG for iphone X from apple documents and detail description in here1 and here2

enter image description here

status bar height

previously 20pt, now 44pt

Because of the sensors on top of the display, the new status bar is split in 2 parts. If your UI is doing something special with that space (previously 20pt high, now 44pt), because it will be taller on the iPhone X. Make sure that it can be dynamically changed in height. A great thing is that the height won’t be changed if a user makes a phone call or is using a navigation app, which was previously the case on other iPhones.

enter image description here


Navigation bar height as normal 88 and large title time 140

  • Standard title - 44pt (88pt with Status Bar)
  • Large title - 140pt
  • bottom bar - 34pt


  • Standard title - 32pt
  • bottom bar - 21pt
Harshal Valanda On

There is no specification in Apple Docs

Apple Docs

According to Geoff Hackworth its 88

Navigation title types :

  • Standard title
  • Large title

Increasing navigation bar in iOS 11

navigationController?.navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles = true
Lance Samaria On

If you're using a UIWindow and you need to know the top bar height you can use this:

// old way of getting keyWindow
//guard let keyWindow = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow else { return }

// new way of getting keyWindow
guard let keyWindow = UIApplication.shared.windows.first(where: { $0.isKeyWindow }) else { return }

let navBarHeight = keyWindow.safeAreaInsets.top

print("navBarHeight:" , navBarHeight)

I got the idea from @Paolo's answer

jkira On

You can use the navigation bar's .frame property to figure out the overall height of the top bar area:

Swift 5.0:

let xBarHeight = (self.navigationController?.navigationBar.frame.size.height ?? 0.0) + (self.navigationController?.navigationBar.frame.origin.y ?? 0.0)


CGRect navbarFrame = self.navigationController.navigationBar.frame;
float topWidth  = navbarFrame.size.width;
float topHeight = navbarFrame.size.height + navbarFrame.origin.y;

I suppose this is a bit of a cheat, but adding the navbar's height with its y origin seems to give the correct total height regardless of device.

Leonif On

Use it if you want to know where need start content

extension UIViewController {
  var navigationBarbarContentStart: CGFloat {
    return self.navigationBarTopOffset + self.navigationBarHeight
  var navigationBarTopOffset: CGFloat {
    return self.navigationController?.navigationBar.frame.origin.y ?? 0

  var navigationBarHeight: CGFloat {
    return self.navigationController?.navigationBar.frame.height ?? 0
Paolo On

You can programmatically obtain the navigation bar's height by using safeAreaInsets on the view in the contained view controller:

let navBarHeight = view.safeAreaInsets.top

This will account for whether it's a large title navigation bar or not, and whether or not there's a search bar attached to it.

See the safeAreaInsets documentation for more information.

skensell On

Nav bar is 44pt as usual (when no large titles) and the status bar has increased from 20pt to 44pt. Here's what you can type in the debugger to verify it:

enter image description here

Andrew Bogaevskyi On

You can simply get it in the next way (Swift 3):

let barHeight = navigationController?.navigationBar.frame.maxY

To get correct value make sure that you call it after setting prefersLargeTitles

navigationController?.navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles = false