If the definition of a Ray is given by Ray = origin + t(direction)
then what is the term t
suppose to represent? Can't find any tutorials that describe this clearly. Stab at the dark I think it's probably distance but as I understand, if this was to be used in ray tracing does this mean t
is effectively the distance between the origin of the ray and the plane that I'm checking whether it intersects with?
What is the term 't' in Ray definition? Ray Tracing
488 views Asked by CodingNinja AtThere are 2 answers
That equation is the parametric equation for a straight line. I.e. a line can be described by a point that lies on the line and a vector that points in the same direction as the line.
Conceptually speaking, by plugging into the equation every possible value for t parameter from -oo to +oo you get a set of points which comprises the line in its entirety. Given such a description of a line, you can specify any point on the line with a single value of t - the value that, when plugged into the equation, gives you that point.
The parameter itself is meaningless. In the context of a ray-tracing it could be interpreted as time, however unless your renderer is actually attempting to model the propagation of light over time, this is not a useful distinction.
Assuming that direction is normalized then yes, t means distance from the origin. In the definition t might be anything but greater than 0 (otherwise it is a line). So, if you have an intersection, then there exists t' s.t. a point p = origin + t' * direction belongs to your plane.