In my pipelet I make a REST call to a 3rd party system and get back a String containing the JSON response. From the JSON I want to parse 1 attribute. What is the best way to parse JSON on Intershop Commerce Management 7.8?
What is the recommended way to parse JSON on Intershop?
232 views Asked by Kurt Rätzsch At
There are 2 answers

Jackson is definitely recommended, but for very simple cases you could alternatively use org.json.
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(responseAsStr);
String accessToken = obj.getString("access_token");
However, this library is not included by default. You have to include it in build.gradle of your cartridge, e.g.:
compile group: 'org.json', name: 'json', version: '20090211'
Intershop includes the Jackson library. You can use it without even need to map the whole response to a well-defined object, but you can parse it "on the fly". See "Jackson JSON – Read Specific JSON Key" paragraph here: