What is the proper use of NSNotificationCenter with ReactiveCocoa 3 and Swift?

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I am playing around the ReactiveCocoa 3 and Swift and I decided to do a simple toy app to test how would I design an app with ReactiveCocoa 3 that implements the MVVM pattern.

The basic staff works pretty good but I am not sure what is the best way to handle signals created from a notification center.

Lets say that somebody is triggering a notification somewhere in the app. The notification is named TimerNotification and has an object of time Intinside the user info dictionary accessible by the key TimerCount. Now lets say I have a controller that wants to print a message everytime a TimerNotification is triggered.

In the old ObjC / RAC 2 days I would do something like this

- (void)viewDidLoad {
  NSNotificationCenter * notificationCenter = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
  RACSignal * timerSignal = [[notificationCenter rac_addObserverForNotificationName:@"TimerNotification" object:nil] 
  [timerSignal subscribeNext:^(NSNotification * notification){
    NSValue * timerCount = notification.userInfo[@"TimerCount"];
    NSLog(@"Timer count is %@", timerCount);

That will ensure me that when the controller gets deallocated the subscription will be disposed.

My first attempt to do something similar in the Swift / RAC 3 world was

private func createTimerSignalProducer() -> SignalProducer<Int, NoError> {
  let notificationCenter = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter()
  let deallocSignalProducer = self.rac_willDeallocSignal().toSignalProducer()
      |> map { _ in () }
      |> catch { _ in SignalProducer.empty as SignalProducer<(), NoError> }

  return notificationCenter.rac_notifications(name: "TimerNotification")
      |> map { $0.userInfo!["TimerCount"] as! Int }
      |> takeUntil(deallocSignalProducer)

and then inside the viewDidLoad I would do

    |> start { count in
        println("Timer trigger for the \(count) time")

That actually worked but what if you want to do something similar in an object that does not inherit from NSObject. Because in a regular Swift object you don't get rac_willDeallocSignal().

One possible solution is to store the disposable in an instance variable and then dispose it in the deinit but I would like to avoid manually handling the disposables.


What I ended up doing (because Swift object don't have a root object) was

public protocol ViewModel {


public class BaseViewModel: ViewModel {

    private let deinitSignalProducerSinkPair = SignalProducer<(), NoError>.buffer()

    public var deinitSingalProducer: SignalProducer<(), NoError> {
        return deinitSignalProducerSinkPair.0

    deinit {
        sendNext(deinitSignalProducerSinkPair.1, ())


and then in my view model

public class DetailViewModel: BaseViewModel {

    let title: String
    let subtitle: String
    let author: String
    let createdAt: NSDate
    let timerCounter = MutableProperty<Int>(0)
    let inputText = MutableProperty<String>("")
    let reverseInputText = MutableProperty<String>("")

    var formattedCreatedAt: String {
        let formatter = NSDateFormatter()
        formatter.dateFormat = "dd/MM/yy"
        return formatter.stringFromDate(createdAt)

    public required init(title: String, subtitle: String, author: String, createdAt: NSDate) {
        self.title = title
        self.subtitle = subtitle
        self.author = author
        self.createdAt = createdAt

        timerCounter <~ createTimerSignalProducer()
        reverseInputText <~ (inputText.producer |> map { String(reverse($0)) })

    // MARK - Private methods

    private func createTimerSignalProducer() -> SignalProducer<Int, NoError> {
        return NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().rac_notifications(name: "TimerNotification")
            |> map { $0.userInfo!["TimerCount"] as! Int }
            |> takeUntil(deinitSingalProducer)

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