What is the recommended procedure for profiling under GHC 7.10.1 and cabal 1.23? The profiling-related error and warning messages from GHC and cabal-install are very inconsistent.
Try to run an executable with profiling, and you are told:
$ prediction-interactive +RTS -p prediction-interactive: the flag -p requires the program to be built with -prof
in your cabal file, and you are told:$ cabal build Warning: 'ghc-options: -prof' is not necessary and will lead to problems when used on a library. Use the configure flag --enable-library-profiling and/or --enable-executable-profiling.
Follow that advice (and remove -prof from the cabal file), and you are told:
$ cabal configure --enable-executable-profiling Resolving dependencies... Configuring creatur-wains-prediction-1.0... Warning: The flag --enable-executable-profiling is deprecated. Please use --enable-profiling instead.
Follow that advice, and you are told:
$ cabal configure --enable-profiling Resolving dependencies... Configuring creatur-wains-prediction-1.0... $ cabal build . . . Installing executable(s) in /home/eamybut/nosync/sandboxes/prediction-wains/bin Installed creatur-wains-prediction-1.0 $ prediction-interactive +RTS -p prediction-interactive: the flag -p requires the program to be built with -prof
EDIT: Added cabal build in step 4.